Blogging my heart out (and also letting go)

As some of you know, I’ve been writing content for Fuse’s blog for awhile, now.

That’s definitely been taking its toll here, since I’ve had less time to focus on my own blog. Not to mention the adventure that was Enterprise Week… that was a HUGE endeavor. I’ve actually written a bit about Enterprise Week on Fuse’s blog, but I’ll be writing a little more shortly, since my group of kids was focused on the environment and Earth Day is coming up.

Instead, what I think I’ll do here next is talk about the formation of our 501c3 called Tri-City Area Gaming (TAG). I’ll talk about the process, the people involved, and possibly the brand standard I developed for TAG. I hope that sounds interesting! I’m doing it either way!

And speaking of not having enough time, lately… I’m dropping some responsibilities. Tonight I’ll be telling the members of the support group I’ve been running for over five years that I’m stepping down. For at least a year, I don’t feel like the group has been serving its original purpose, and I often feel like a mediator, trying to balance the stronger personalities in the group to make sure everyone feels heard. It was a tough decision to make, but ultimately, I think letting go of this group will be good for me.

I also let go of responsibility of one of my two monthly Spanish Practice meetups. I can do one, but two was just too many. Fortunately, an awesome lady from the group is keeping up with the second meetup herself!

Anyway, I’ll keep trying to keep up with all of the things I’m up to, without taking on more than I’m able to do! What a concept!  : D

2 Replies to “Blogging my heart out (and also letting go)”

  1. Sara, good for you for putting yourself and your needs first.

    If this means I only get to see you occasionally on trivia nights, that’s okay. 😊

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